Jante - Alles Gut

Do you know those days when everything that can go wrong does go wrong? Do you know this life that you dreamed of as children, but don't live? Do you know that well-feeling, because nobody really knows how to live? You want to get out of it, but you don't know how? Then welcome to the music of Jante!

Jante makes Indie Folk with German lyrics and that already quite successful. Streams in the 6-digit range, placements in well-known playlists, more than 400 concerts and chart successes even abroad. Now they've released their new single Alles Gut, with a video that has earned golden sound pearl status.

As a folk group, Jante long for nature, freedom and originality. But they combine this desire with big city life and the contradictions of society. The search for their own happiness can only be found in the balancing act between these two poles. And in music. The two frontmen Jan and Tim have discovered music making for themselves only in adulthood. But it didn't hurt. As a quote, which is simply fantastic just because of the choice of words, I have to quote here appreciatively my colleagues: "Quality update for the terrible German pop wave that has been dripping pseudo-sentimentally from the media players for years". (371-Magazin) I love it.

photocredits: Yellow Van Photography

„Everything will be good for sure!“

The official video for the single Alles Gut masterfully shows the genesis and development of Murphy's Law. A story that begins with a wooden chair and ends in fire. The fulminant increase of the dramatic chain of events just doesn't stop. Irony we can. I do not want to tell you too much, because the work you have to marvel at and get to know with your own eyes. Lyrically, the finger is put into the open wound of the yes-men and passive followers of this society. Is not dazzling life, but hey, the others do it so. So you don't have to change anything. The glorification of the word 'Actually'. The chorus can be understood like a mantra and has the talent to stick to the ears. The guitar-based song has a snappy rhythm that brings folk into the modern age and invites you to dance. And then, of course, there's the banjo. Jante's music is honest and authentic. What the four of them can bring out is brought out, anything else is not part of their style, so an authentic folk quartet. Let's hope that their career continues to progress so promisingly. They have talent.

Everything will be good for sure.

Listen and Dance

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


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